Descendants of William(e) ARTH(O)UR(E)

Being Researched: James ARTHOUR married Jonet (surname not known) in Ochiltree (West Lothian) on 20 November 1651. Ochiltree is a small settlement with a restored castle in West Lothian, and lies just to the north west of Uphall and 3 miles south east of Linlithgow. However, Ochiltree is also a town in Ayrshire and the parish register entry must be checked - if Ayrshire, then this branch of the ARTHUR family should be discounted.

Jonet must have died because James ARTHOUR married Bessie STILLY in Ochiltree on 17 August 1658. Jonet ARTHOUR, presumably the sister of James, married James MILLER in Ochiltree on 14 August 1655. James ARTHOUR and Bessie STILLY had a daughter, Bessie, who was born (in Ochiltree on ?), and married William SPEIR in Ochiltree on 17 July 1693.

First Generation

Williame ARTHOUR, son of James ARTHOUR, was born in Ochiltree, West Lothian on 1 June 1662. James ARTHOUR also had a daughter, Jonet (Janet ?) ARTHOUR, who was baptised in Ochiltree on 6 January 1656.

Will ARTHURE married Helene AI(T)KEN ("both in this parish") in Torphichen on 21 August 1687:


  1. Alexander ARTHURE, son of William ARTHURE, baptised in Hilderston House, Torphichen on 13 January 1689
  2. James ARTHUR, son of Will ARTHURE and Helene AIKEN, baptised in Torphichen Church by Mr Alex Hastie, Minister of the Gospel there, on 11 May 1690

West Lothian Hearth Tax, taken on Candlemas Day (2 February) 1691, for Wallace, Hilderstoune and Grissall Polwarts Houss in Torphichen Toune (SRS New Series Volume 9 at page 34): William ARTHUR - 1 (signifying that William ARTHUR occupied a house which had one hearth and that he paid a tax of 14 shillings Scots for so doing)

  1. William ARTHURE, son of Will ARTHURE and Helene AIKEN, baptised in Torphichen Church by Mr Donald Campbell, Minister of the Gospel at Maruinside (Muiravonside), on 3 August 1691
  2. William ARTHURE, son of William ARTHURE, baptised in Torphichen on 31 August 1692
  3. John ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR, baptised in Torphichen on 17 October 1693.

Helen(e) AI(T)KEN is believed to have died between 1693 and 1696.

West Lothian Hearth Tax, taken on Candlemas Day (2 February) 1691, for Torphichen paroch (SRS New Series Volume 9 at page 34): Archbald MARTINE - 3, John ARTHUR, elder and younger - 2, Alexander ARTHUR - 1, signifying that

  1. Archbald MARTINE occupied a house which had three hearths and that he paid a tax of 42 shillings Scots for so doing
  2. John (younger and elder) ARTHUR occupied a house which had two hearths and that they paid a tax of 28 shillings Scots for so doing, and
  3. Alexander ARTHUR occupied a house which had one hearth and that he paid a tax of 14 shillings Scots for so doing.

William ARTHURE married Jean MARTINE in Bathgate on 21 March 1696


  1. Robert ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR of Hilderston, baptised 16 May 1697, Hilderston, Torphichen witnessed by John RAMSAY and John LOANMOUTH.
  2. Robert ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR of Hilderston, baptised 9 February 1701 witnessed by Bartholomew (?) and William JACK, both of Torphichen.
  3. Jean ARTHURE, daughter of William ARTHURE and Jean MARTINE of Hilderston, baptised 5 November 1704, Hilderston, Torphichen witnessed by John RAMSAY of Hilderston and James MILLAR of Gormyre.

Second Generation

Robert ARTHUR, baptised on 9 February 1701 at Hilderston, Torphichen, married Margaret MEEK.


  1. John ARTHUR, son of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK of Cathlaw, baptised 10 September 1738 in Cathlaw, Torphichen, witnessed by John MEEK and William ARTHUR.
  2. William ARTHUR, son of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK of Cathlaw, baptised in Torphichen on 20 April 1740, witnessed by James PETTIGREW and James TAYLOR.
  3. James ARTHUR, son of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK, baptised in Torphichen on 31 December 1741, witnessed by William ARTHUR and Patrick MEEK.
  4. Margaret ARTHUR, daughter of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK of Cathlaw, baptised in Cathlaw, Torphichen on 2 November 1743, witnessed by William ARTHUR and William AITKEN.
  5. Christian ARTHUR, daughter of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK of Cathlaw, baptised in Cathlaw, Torphichen on 28 October 1744,  witnessed by James PETTIGREW of Slackend and William ARTHUR of North Hilderston.
  6. Robert ARTHUR, son of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK of Cathlaw, baptised in Cathlaw, Torphichen on 22 March 1747, witnessed by Alexander (ARTHUR) and John ARTHUR of Torphichen.
  7. Alexander ARTHUR, son of Robert ARTHUR and Margaret MEEK of Cathlaw, baptised in Cathlaw,Torphichen on 5 June 1748, witnessed by William ARTHUR of North Hilderston and William Aitken of Torphichen.

Third Generation

James ARTHUR, baptised in Torphichen on 31 December 1741, married Janet WALKER, baptised in Torphichen on 15 December 1765, the daughter of John WALKER and Janet MARSHEL, in Slamannan on 23 March 1782. (Note: only this entry for "James ARTHUR" born in Torphichen between 1740 and 1765 inclusive.)


  1. Robert ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER of the Wester House of Bedlormie, baptised in Bedlormie, Torphichen on 8 January 1783, witnessed by James PAUL and Matthew STEEL.
  2. No name, son of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER, baptised in Torphichen on (13) 17 July 1785, witnessed by Robert ARTHUR and David (?).
  3. William ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER of Longside, baptised in Longside, Torphichen on 29 October 1786, witnessed by Alexander REID and Christian MARSHAL. (Note: Only this entry for "William ARTHUR" born in Torphichen or Muiravonside between 1786 and 1805 inclusive.)
  4. Mary ARTHUR, daughter of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER of Bedlormie lands, baptised in Bedlormie Lands, Torphichen on 15 April 1789, witnessed by James PAUL and William ARTHUR.
  5. James ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER of Lands of Bedlormie, baptised in Torphichen on 3 June 1792, witnessed by Robert MILS (?) and Matthew STEILS (?).
  6. Jean ARTHUR, daughter of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER of the Lands of Bedlormie, baptised in Bedlormie, Torphichen on 12 February 1794, witnessed by Robert ARTHUR and John ARTHUR his brother.
  7. John ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Janet WALKER of Longside, baptised in Longside, Torphichen on 23 March 1797, witnessed by James MARTON and Marey MARTON.

Fourth Generation ?

James ARTHUR, baptised 3 June 1792 in Bedlormie, Torphichen, married Agnes BINNIE ("both of this parish"), baptised 4 July 1788 in Bo'ness, West Lothian, (daughter of Malcolm BINNIE and Agnes CUTHBERTSON) in Torphichen on 19 May 1816.


  1. William ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Agnes BINNIE of Cathlaw, born on 6 February 1817 and baptised on 23 February 1817.
  2. Ann ARTHUR, daughter of James ARTHUR and Agnes BINNIE of Cathlaw, born on 24 September 1818 and baptised on 25 October 1818 in Torphichen.
  3. James ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Agnes BINNIE of Bishopbrae, born on 3 April 1826 and baptised on 30 April 1826 in Torphichen.
  4. John ARTHUR, son of James ARTHUR and Agnes BINNIE of Bishopbrae, born on 2 November 1828 and baptised on 7 December 1828 in Torphichen.

Fourth Generation

William, lawful son of William ARTHUR, schoolmaster in Chricton, and Isabel Matheson his spouse, was born August 7th 1800 and baptised the 17th. Witnesses John Matheson and Robert Houden.

William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON were married in Torphichen on 25 April 1819: "Proclamation of William ARTHUR in the Parish of Muiravonside and Janet JOHNSTON in this Parish, twice in one day."


  1. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of Torphichen had a daughter born 12 June 1819 and baptised 25 July 1819 named Margaret.
  2. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON in North Hilderston had a son born 20 July 1823 and baptised 10 August 1823 named William.
  3. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of North Hilderston had a daughter born 21 September 1825 and baptised 16 October 1825 named Isabella.
  4. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of North Hilderston had a daughter born 19 August 1828 and baptised 14 September 1828 named Janet.
  5. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of Torphichen had a son born 31 August 1830 and baptised 26 September 1830 named John.
  6. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of Torphichen had a daughter born 26 July 1835 and baptised (?) named Elizabeth.
  7. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of Torphichen had a son born 18 July 1837 and baptised 27 August 1837 named John.
  8. William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON of Torphichen had a daughter born 11 March 1840 and baptised 13 April 1840 named Catherine.

6 June 1841 Census, Village of Torphichen

Note: no mention of Catherine (born 1840 - age 1), Isabella (born 21 September 1825 - age 15), William (born 10 August 1823 - age 17) or Margaret (born 12 June 1819 - age 21). John ARTHUR, born 31 August 1830 died on a date unknown between 26 September 1830 and 18 July 1837.

Fifth Generation

William ARTHUR and Janet JOHNSTON in North Hilderston had a son born 20 July 1823 and baptised 10 August 1823 named William.

Proclamation on 9 December 1849 of William ARTHUR and Jean BROWN (born in Armadale/Bathgate circa 1832/3 according to Census records), both of Torphichen parish, twice in one day. They were married by the Reverand William Banks on 21 December 1849. Recorded by Ebeneezer Oliphant, Session Clerk.


  1. Margaret ARTHUR, daughter of William and Jean ARTHUR (see 1851 and 1861 Census), born in Torphichen, Linlithgow in 1851.
  2. William ARTHUR, son of William and Jean ARTHUR (see 1861 Census), born in Bathgate, Linlithgow in 1853.
  3. Thomas ARTHUR, son of William and Jean ARTHUR (see 1861 Census), born in Bathgate, Linlithgow in 1854.
  4. Alexander ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR (brick maker) and Jane ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born on 13 January 1856 Bridge Castle Cottages, Torphichen and registered on 1 February 1856 in Torphichen. Alexander died on 10 February 1856 at Bridge Castle Cottages and was buried in Torphichen churchyard.
  5. Janet ARTHUR, daughter of William ARTHUR (brick maker) and Jean (Jane ?) ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born on 2 January 1857 in Bridge Castle Cottages, Torphichen and registered on 10 January 1857 in Torphichen.
  6. Alexander ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR (brick maker) and Jean (Jane ?) ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born on 20 October 1860 in Bridge Castle Cottages, Torphichen and registered on 26 October 1860 in Torphichen. Alexander was a labourer and was married to Susan WHITELAW when he died, aged 38, at 08:00 on 20 April 1898 at home in Torphichen
  7. Jane ARTHUR, daughter of William ARTHUR (brick maker) and Jean (Jane ?) ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born on 9 May 1863 in Bridge Castle Cottages, Torphichen and registered on 20 May 1863 in Torphichen.
  8. John ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR (labourer) and Jane ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born and died on 21 May 1865 aged 7 hours in Bridge Castle Cottages, Torphichen and registered on 26 May 1865 in Torphichen. The parents' date of marriage is given as 21 December 1849, Torphichen.
  9. John ARTHUR, son of William Arthur (labourer) and Jane ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born 30 March 1866 in Torphichen. The birth was registered by William ARTHUR (father) on 19 April 1866. The parents' date of marriage is given as 21 December 1849.
  10. Edward ARTHUR, son of William ARTHUR (brick maker ?) and Jane ARTHUR, maiden name BROWN, born on 23 March 1868 and registered by Jaen (sic) ARTHUR (mother) on 10 April 1868 in Torphichen, Linlithgow. The parents' date of marriage is given as 21 December 1849.

6 June 1841 Census, Torphichen, Castle Coal Works

Note: of the two candidates for Jean BROWN, this is preferred because (1) the first and third child born to William and Jean ARTHUR were named Margaret and Thomas (after their maternal grandparents Thomas and Margaret BROWN), and (b) this is a Torphichen family.

6 June 1841 Census, Linlithgow

30 March 1851 Census, Torphichen

7 April 1861 Census, Bridge Castle Cottages, Torphichen

2 April 1871 Census, "Square or Green", Torphichen

No mention of William ARTHUR (husband) age 48 in 1871 or Janet ARTHUR, daughter, age 14 in 1871. If born on 30 January 1824, Jane ARTHUR would have been age 47 in 1871 yet her age here is given as 38.

3 April 1881 Census, "Green", Torphichen

The age of Jane ARTHUR (49) is consistent with her stated age of 38 in the previous (1871) Census which gives her year of birth as 1832/1833 which is 8 years after 1824, the date of birth of Jean (Jane ?) BROWN, born on 30 January 1824 in Bathgate, the daughter of Alexander BROWN and Helen DICKSON.

5 April 1891 Census, Village of Torphichen

The age of Jane ARTHUR (58) is consistent with her stated age of 49 and 38 in the Census of 1881 and 1871 which confirms her year of birth as 1832/1833. However, the parents of her grandson, William ARTHUR, are not known.

"At Boghead, 1½ mile SW of Bathgate, a black bituminous shale, sharing the appearance both of coal and slate, was found in 1850 to be peculiarly rich in mineral oil, and began to be worked about 1852 for the production of illuminating gas, paraffin oil, and solid paraffin. Coming into much demand also for exportation to the Continent and elsewhere, it was mined at the rate of fully 100,000 tons a year; but about 1866 began to show signs of exhaustion, signs that fulfilled themselves in 1873 … One of the new chemical works, for manufacturing paraffin oil and solid paraffin, was established within Bathgate parish itself, shortly before 1865; and that, together with brick-making and mining in connection with it, employed between 300 and 400 persons."

Ordnance Gazetteer of Scotland: A Survey of Scottish Topography, Statistical, Biographical and Historical, published between 1882 and 1885.

Fifth Generation

Edward ARTHUR, born on 23 March 1868 the son of William ARTHUR (brick maker, deceased) and Jane ARTHUR (née BROWN) of Torphichen, married Mary THORNTON, occupation domestic servant, born 22 January 1874 at 1 Cochrane Street, Bathgate, the daughter of Robert THORNTON (coal miner) and Elizabeth CUTHBERT (occupation domestic servant), on 26 June 1896 at 42 Cochrane Street, Bathgate, after banns according to the forms of the United Presbyterian Church, signed by John LINDSAY (Minister) and witnessed by Thomas ARTHUR and Lizzie THORNTON.

Edward ARTHUR occupations:


  1. William ARTHUR, son of Edward ARTHUR and Mary ARTHUR (née THORNTON) born in Bathgate (England according to 1901 Census) in 1899 (recorded in 1911 Census as being 12 years of age).
  2. George ARTHUR, son of Edward ARTHUR (general labourer) and Mary ARTHUR (née THORNTON) born at 27 Cochrane Street, Bathgate at 04:30 on 13 June 1903.
  3. John (?). The only "John ARTHUR" born in Bathgate between 1896 and 1900 was "John Duncan ARTHUR" the son of Alexander ARTHUR (baker, Journeyman) and Mary ARTHUR (née DUNCAN) born at 07:00 on 8 October 1900 in Academy Street, Bathgate. Alexander ARTHUR and Mary DUNCAN were married in Airdrie on 18 July 1884. Between 1901 and 1912 there are two birth entries (in 1905 and 1907) for "John ARTHUR", both to John and Catherine ARTHUR (née WISHART).
  4. Archibald (no births recorded under this forename in Bathgate between 1898 and 1912).
  5. Thomas (?). Only one birth recorded in Bathgate between 1898 and 1905 - Thomas Wishart ARTHUR in 1900 (unrelated - see John above).
  6. Robina Thornton ARTHUR, daughter of Edward ARTHUR (steel smelter) and Mary ARTHUR (née THORNTON) born in Bathgate at 10:20 on 21 June 1905 in Mid Street, Bathgate (recorded in 1911 census as being 6 years of age). The informant was Edward ARTHUR, father (registered in Bathgate on 3 July 1905).
  7. Thomas ARTHUR, son of Edward ARTHUR (steel smelter) and Mary ARTHUR (née THORNTON) who were married in Bathgate on 26 June 1896, was born at 06:20 on 30 December 1906 at 82 Mid Street, Bathgate (recorded in 1911 census as being 4 years of age). The informant was Edward ARTHUR, father (registered in Bathgate on 11 January 1907).
  8. Mary ARTHUR, daughter of Edward ARTHUR (coal miner) and Mary ARTHUR (née THORNTON) who were married in Bathgate on 26 June 1896, born at 104 Mid Street, Bathgate at 4pm on 28 August 1910 (recorded in 1911 census as being 4 months old). The informant was Edward ARTHUR, father (registered in Bathgate on 19th September 1910).
  9. William (?)

Regarding Edward ARTHUR's occupation as "paper maker", Westfield, a small settlement in West Lothian, lies 3 miles (5 km) northwest of Bathgate at the junction of the Logie Water with the River Avon. It developed in association with a papermill established in the early 19th century and a railway branch line opened in 1855. A railway viaduct crosses the Avon close by and to the south is the 14th-century Bridge Castle.

31 March 1901 Census: 27 Cochrane Street, Bathgate (1 room with one or more windows located between Balbardie Avenue and Mill Road, opposite Marmion Road).

  1. Edward ARTHUR, age 33, married and head of a household of five (5) persons, coal miner (worker - possibly at the local Balbardie Collieries), born in Torphichen, Linlithgowshire.
  2. Wife Mary ARTHUR, married, no occupation, age 26 (? - should be 27 if born on 22 January 1874) born in Bathgate, Linlithgowshire.
  3. William ARTHUR, son age 1 year born in England (Linlithgow, Bathgate according to 1911 Census).
  4. Walter B. SCOTT, boarder, single age 50, coal miner, worker, born in Lanarkshire, Larkhall.
  5. William CUMMING, boarder, single age 33, coal miner, worker, born in Linlithgowshire, Torphichen.

William CUMMING and Edward ARTHUR were both born in Torphichen and were of the same age and occupation and were therefore likely to be friends.

2 April 1911 Census: 104 Mid Street, Bathgate (2 rooms with one or more windows, located between Academy Street and Rosemount Court, 100 metres south of St. John's Parish Church).

  1. Edward ARTHUR, 42 married and head of a household of nine (9) persons, shale miner (worker at the "Oil Works"), born in Linlithgow, Torphichen.
  2. Wife Mary ARTHUR aged 35 (? - should be 37 if born on 22 January 1874) (duration of marriage 16 years with 9 children born alive and 5 still living) born in Linlithgow, Bathgate.
  3. William ARTHUR, son aged 12 (single) in school, also born in Linlithgow, Bathgate.
  4. George ARTHUR, son aged 8 (single) in school, also born in Linlithgow, Bathgate.
  5. Robina ARTHUR, daughter aged 6 (unmarried) in school, also born in Linlithgow, Bathgate.
  6. Thomas ARTHUR, son aged 4 (single, no occupation) also born in Linlithgow, Bathgate.
  7. Mary ARTHUR, daughter aged 4 months (unmarried) also born in Linlithgow, Bathgate.
  8. Edward Murphy, boarder, aged 44, married, Pit Labourer (above ground) "Coal", worker, born in Renfrew, Paisley (?).
  9. Jerry McCann, boarder, aged 32, single, Pit Labourer (under ground) "Coal", worker, born in Ireland.

Sixth Generation

George ARTHUR born at 4.30am on 13 June 1903, at 27 Cochrane Street, Bathgate. Occupation Scots Guards and Post Office employee, married 9 November 1929, Isabella SHRIGLEY, born 20 March 1904, Weeks Cottages, Ryton, Gateshead, Durham, (daughter of Joseph SHRIGLEY and Rebecca Jane NORMAN) occupation nurse, died 26 July 1960, Brompton Hospital, Kensington. George died 27 May 1980, Potters Bar, Hertfordshire.

Scots Guards (Interwar 1914 - 1945)

In 1918 the rank of Private was replaced in the Foot Guards by the title Guardsman. The Scots Guards, while in Germany, joined the British Army of Occupation in Cologne before returning home in 1919, where it marched in London as part of the Guards Division. Both battalions would remain in the United Kingdom for the majority of the inter-war years where it carried out the usual public duties, though would, at times, be deployed abroad. In 1927, the 2nd Battalion departed for Shanghai in the Far East during the conflict between the Communists and Nationalists, with the dangers that this posed to the British populace living in Shanghai. The battalion was also stationed in Hong Kong before returning home in 1929. George ARTHUR was stationed in Hong Kong and tells the story that driving in Hong Kong was scary because the Chinese inhabitants of the colony believed that fast moving vehicles could kill 'evil spirits' and that this could be accomplished by suddenly, and without warning, jumping out in front of patrolling battalion cars and trucks.

Ghosts in Ancient China

Accidents on roads in China are frequently attributed to ghosts. Drivers will claim that a ghost stepped in front of their car, and they swerved to avoid it.


  1. Mary Thornton ARTHUR born 22 November 1930, married Robert William RAMSDALE on 8 August 1953 at RAF Halton, died at 3am on Saturday 20 August 2005 in the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital (Wanford), Barrack Road, Exeter, Devon EX2 5DW.
  2. Richard Norman ARTHUR born 28 February 1932, Greenside, Ryton-on-Tyne.
  3. Ian George ARTHUR born 20 October 1934, Greenside, Ryton-on-Tyne.

Mary Thornton ARTHUR (WAAF service number 2809145, service year 1947) met Flight Sergeant Robert William RAMSDALE at RAF Halton in June 1953 and were married six weeks' later. Their honeymoon was in The Isles of Scilly, St Mary's, at the Atlantic Hotel.

Copyright © David Ramsdale 1997 - 2021
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