Surname Profiler Project

This page displays the outcome of a recent research project undertaken by the University College London (UCL) which has investigated the distribution of 25,630 family surnames in Great Britain, both current and historic, in order to understand patterns of regional economic development, population movement and cultural identity.

Statistics about the surname RAMSDALE
Frequency 1881 1998 Change
Frequency 717 903 +186
Rank Order 5065 5638 -573
Occurrences per million names 27 24 -3

International Comparisons
International Comparisons Rate As % of GB rate in 1998
Great Britain Frequency (1998) 929 100
Great Britain Frequency (1881) 717  
Great Britain Rate (1998) 24  
Great Britain Rate (1881) 27  
Northern Ireland 0.0  
Republic of Ireland 0.0  
Australia 23.22 100.6
New Zealand 11.82 51.2
United States 1.75 7.6
Canada 10.19 44.2

Geographical Spread
Geographical Spread Statistics
Great Britain top area (1881) Wigan
Great Britain top area (1998) Wigan
Great Britain top area index * 2109
Great Britain top postal town Wigan
Number of UK gazetteer entries 1
County of gazetteer entry North Yorkshire
Australia top state Tasmania
Australia top state index * 399
Australia top standard statistical division Kangaroo Island, South Australia
New Zealand top province Taranaki
New Zealand top province index * 782
United States top state Kansas
United States top state index * 703
Number of gazetteer entries in Africa or Asian none

Social Demographics
Social Demographics Statistics
Category of surname English - Locational Name; Settlement Ending; Dale
Mosaic type with highest index # High Technologists
Index of top Mosaic type * 200
% of people with a more rural name 3
% of people with a more high-status name 67
Cultural, ethnic, linguistic categories of surname English

* Meaning of an 'index': An 'index' shows whether the level of something is higher in one area than it is in another area. In this instance UCL is interested in whether the number of occurrences of a name per million population is higher in a particular area than it is elsewhere. Thus UCL compares the incidence of a name in the US state where it is most concentrated with the average level of concentration in the whole of the US; the incidence in Australia's top state with the Australian average; the incidence in New Zealand's top province with the New Zealand average; the incidence in GB's top postal area with the GB average.

# Calculation of an 'index': If a name has a rate per million population in an area which is identical to its rate in a base comparison area then UCL says it has an index of '100'. An index of '200' for the name Jenson in Ohio would mean that the name Jenson was twice as common, per million population, in Ohio as it was in the reference area, in this case the whole US. An index of '500' for Wong in Victoria would indicate that the name Wong was five times more common per 1,000,000 names in Victoria than in the whole of Australia. An index of '1000' for the name Penhaligon in New Zealand would mean it was ten times more common per 1,000.000 names in New Zealand than in Great Britain. By contrast an index of only '50' would indicate a name which was only half as common in a target area than in its reference area.