GRO Overseas Births

1761 to 1994

12 Ramsdale Surname Entries

General Registry Office overseas records

These overseas records provide details of births, marriages and deaths of British citizens that have taken place abroad since the late 18th century. The records are made up of three main types - consular records, army records and other records - and include the following data ranging from as far back as 1761 and up to 1994.

Consular, army and other records


If you have a relative or ancestor who was born, married or died overseas, but was still classed as a British citizen at the time of the event, then it is quite possible that the British Consul or the UK High Commission in the relevant jurisdiction would have been notified of the event, allowing you to find their record within the GRO's Consular indices. There are some caveats to this though:

Note: Up to 1965, Consular and High Commission records were in separate lists to the Army births, marriages and deaths. However, from 1966 all the Consular, High Commission and Army birth, marriage and death records were merged into one single indexed sequence simply called 'Abroad'.


The Army records include the registrations of British armed forces (including serving members who were not British nationals) posted overseas.

The historic records include:

Note: Up to 1965, Army records were in separate lists to the Consular and High Commission births, marriages and deaths. However, from 1966 all the Consular, High Commission and Army birth, marriage and death records were merged into one single indexed sequence, simply called 'Abroad'.


These records include births and deaths (no marriages) for:

War deaths - WW1, WW2 and the Boer War

If you are searching for a relative who died in active service during World War 1, World War 2 or the Boer War you may be able to find a record of their death in the following sets of records:

Some of these records include details of people who served within the British forces, even though they were not British nationals.

Consular and high commission returns

The Annual Consular and UK High Commission returns date from 1849 up to 1994. If your ancestors were born, married or died abroad you may find them in the following sets of records:

Please note the following:

Army returns & service department registrations

The Army Returns and Service Department Registrations relate to forces registrations from 1880 to 1965, known as 'Army' Births, Deaths and Marriages. From 1959 to present day the records are known as 'Forces' Births, Deaths and Marriages.

The term Service Department is a relatively modern term from the late 1950s, emanating from the Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Special Provisions) Act of 1957 and the Service Departments Register Order of 1959.

If you are looking for a relative who was married or died whilst serving in the forces from 1881 to 1965, search the following records:

Regimental registers

The Regimental Registers date from 1761 to 1924 and include British Regiments in the UK, Ireland and overseas. The records cover births/baptisms. If you are unable to find your ancestors in these records you should note that the Overseas department of the General Registry Office also holds additional records of regimental marriages taking place between 1761 and 1924 that have never been indexed. These additional records have never been indexed and are not available online.

Chaplains' returns

The Chaplains' returns are a set of records that were compiled by chaplains to the forces covering births/baptisms, deaths and marriages from 1796 to 1880. As the Chaplains were working for the forces, you may find that some of these records are duplicated in the Regimental records.

Civil aviation authority births, deaths & missing persons

If your relative/ancestor was born or died in the air on a British registered aircraft, you should find their record listed in the following indices:

The Civil Aviation Authority was required to register births and deaths on British-registered aircraft and send the details to the General Registry Office. In respect of deaths, initially the Civil Aviation (Births, Deaths and Missing Persons) Regulations of 1948 made provision not only for deaths, but also defined 'Missing Persons' ('persons with respect to whom there are reasonable grounds for believing that they have died in consequence of an accident to an aircraft registered in Great Britain and Northern Ireland').

The regulations came into effect on 1 October 1948. However the first entry was not made until 22 March 1949.

Nowadays, the General Registry Office is unlikely to receive any details about missing persons from the Civil Aviation Authority as it is very unlikely that an aircraft is not found after a death. Deaths due to aircraft crashes are today recorded as such.

Registry of shipping and seamen

The Registry of Shipping and Seamen records list the birth and death returns from 1837 to 1965. Marine records came into existence under the provisions of the 1836 Act and were continued to be made under subsequent legislation. Currently the registrations are made under the Merchant Shipping Act and subsequent regulations which state that if a child is born in a ship or a person dies in a ship, registered in the UK, the master of the ship will make a return to the Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen who will register the event. The Registrar General of Shipping and Seamen will then send a certified copy of the registration to the appropriate Registrar General.

Whilst the majority of these records will be about merchant seamen, many of the records also include details about passengers.

If you are searching for an ancestor who may have been born or died at sea, search the following records:

Please note:

If you are searching for an ancestor who died on a British-owned oil or gas rig (including a survival craft belonging to an offshore installation) or a hovercraft, please look within the GRO Marine records above. Alternatively if the event occurred from 1966 onwards, please look in the GRO Deaths Abroad Indices.

Article 7 marriages

Provision is made under Article 7(1) of the Foreign Marriage Order (commonly referred to as Article 7 Marriages) for certificates of marriages which have taken place in non-commonwealth countries (translations into English where appropriate) to be deposited with the Registrar General. This deposit is made via the British Consul in the country concerned.

Please note that this is not a registration made by the British authorities, but merely a way to enable British nationals to readily obtain further copies of their documents once they have returned to the UK. Nonetheless, the records are indexed in the normal Marriages Abroad Indexes and certified copies of certificates can still be ordered from the General Registry Office.

To look for your ancestor in these records please search the records titled:

List of countries for Article 7 marriages

Afghanistan, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Argentina, Armenia, Austria, Azerbidjan, Bahrain, Belarus, Belgium, Bolivia, Borneo, Bosnia, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Burundei, Central African Republic, Canary Islands, Cape Verde Islands, Celebes, Chad, Chile, China, Colombia, Conakry, Congo, Corsica, Costa Rica, Crete, Croatia, Cuba, Curacao, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Fernando Poo, Finland, France, Gabon, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea & Bissau, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, Japan, Jerusalem, Jordan, Kalimantan, Kampuchea, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kuwait, Kyrgystan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macao, Macedonia, Malagasy Republic, Maldives, Mali, Martinique, Mauritania, Mexico, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Netherlands, New Caledonia, Nicaragua, Niger, Norway, Oman, Palestine, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Portugese Timor, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Reunion (Paris), Rhodes, Romania, Russian Federation, Rwanda, S.W. Africa, San Marino, Sardinia, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somali, Spain, St. Pierre & Miq, Sudan, Sumatra, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tadzhikistan, Tahiti, Thailand, Timor, Togo, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Upper Volta, Uruguay, USA, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, Venezuela, Vietnam North, Virgin Islands (USA), Yemen Arab Republic, Yemen Democratic Republic, Zaire

Ionian islands births, marriages & deaths

Between 1815 and 1864 the seven Greek Ionian Islands were under British protection after a short period of rule by France. During this time Britain controlled the police, the forts and military administration as well as all foreign relations. Spurred on by the French revolution of 1848, however, the residents on Cephalonia began to revolt against the British rule and demanded that their Islands be returned to Greece. Whilst this was vigorously repressed by the British in 1849, it became clear each year that the issue would not go away. Finally, William Gladstone was sent to the Ionian Islands to monitor the extent of the anti-British feeling and he recommended that the islands be given back to Greece. Once King Otto, the King of Greece, was disposed in 1862, and King George I ascended the throne in Athens, it was agreed that the islands could be united with the Kingdom of Greece, and between 21 May and 2 June 1864 the islands were surrendered.

The seven Ionian Islands are: Corfu (sometimes known as Kerkyra, Corcyra); Paxos; Leucadia (or Santa Maura); Ithaca (or Thiaki); Cephalonia; Zante (or Zacynthus); and Cerigo (or Cythera)

If you are trying to trace British civilian or military ancestors who were based on the Ionian Islands, you may find their birth, baptism, marriage or burial records within the following indexes. Please note that whilst the records end in 1864 when the British left the islands, they do not start until 1818, which was three years after the British took control.

Data included on overseas certificates

Certificates vary greatly for overseas records due to the variety of countries reporting registrations.

You should be aware that certificates relating to overseas records will not always be as detailed as certificates relating to events of births, marriages and deaths that occurred in the UK.

Births certificates for overseas records normally contain the following information:

Death certificates for overseas records normally contain the following information:

Marriage certificates for overseas records normally contain the following information:

If the details were deposited in the UK, the documentation takes the form of a certified copy of the original document plus a translation if applicable.

Because registration with either the British registering authorities or the armed forces Service Departments is not compulsory, the General Registry Office does not receive automatic notification of every birth, marriage or death that happens or has happened.

GRO Index Period Entries
Air Births Indices 1947 to 1965 0
Army Birth Indices 1881 to 1965 1
Army Chaplains Birth Indices 1796 to 1880 0
Births Abroad Indices 1966 to 1994 9
Consular Birth Indices 1849 to 1965 2
Ionian Islands Chaplains Returns Births 1818 to 1864 0
Ionian Islands Civil Registration Births 1818 to 1864 0
Ionian Islands Military Registration Births 1818 to 1864 0
Marine Births Indices 1837 to 1965 0
Marine Births Indices (informal Certs 1 to 41) 1837 to 1965 0
Regimental Birth Indices 1761 to 1924 6
U.K.H.C. Birth Indices 1940 to 1981 0

Army Birth Indices (1881 to 1965) 1961 to 1965
  Station Year Page
Ramsdale, Gillian M Malta 1964 (50) (90)

Births Abroad Indices (1966 to 1978) 1966 to 1966
  Mother's maiden name Registration Post Volume Page
Ramsdale, Susan Angela Howard Gibraltar P1763 11 June
Births Abroad Indices (1966 to 1978) 1970 to 1970
Ramsdale, Nicola Richardson Johannesburgh C2904 1969
Ramsdale, Rolf Jochin Jahn Hamburg C1205 1947
Births Abroad Indices (1966 to 1978) 1972 to 1972
Ramsdale, James Lee Rushton Dusseldorf C0747 12 February
Ramsdale, James Lee Rushton B.A.O.R. F0340 12 February
Births Abroad Indices (1979 to 1994) 1981 to 1981
Ramsdale, Wayne Paul Ogden Los Angeles C4416 1980
Births Abroad Indices (1979 to 1994) 1983 to 1983
Ramsdale, Claire Louise Jackson Hanover C/HC 1882 25 August
Births Abroad Indices (1979 to 1994) 1986 to 1986
Ramsdale, Michelle Anne Jackson B.A.O.R. F1433  
Births Abroad Indices (1979 to 1994) 1992 to 1992
Ramsdale, Rachel Jane Undrill B.A.O.R. F1312 23 June

Consular Birth Indices (1849 to 1965) 1946 to 1950
  Consulate Vol Page
Ramsdale, Malcolm B. Benghazi 44 421

Consular Birth Indices (1849 to 1965) 1946 to 1950
  Mother's maiden name Consulate Vol Page
Ramsdale, Rolf Tochim Jahn Hamburg 64 1285

Regimental Birth Indices (1761 to 1924) 1761 to 1924
  Place Year Regiment Vol Page
Ramsdale, Elizabeth M Fothard 1907 R.A. 339 123
Ramsdale, Margaret Fermoy 1843 R.A. 17 141
Ramsdale, Robert H Waterford 1905 R.A. 507 7
Ramsdale, Robert H Waterford 1905 R.A. 339 123
Regimental Birth Indices Supplement (1761 to 1924) 1761 to 1924
Ramsdale, Margaret Fermoy 1843 R.A. 26 11