This information has been extracted from the FamilyFinder Index to the Family Archive CD collection available on Family Tree Maker Online. The earliest references to RAMSDALE and its close variants in the Family Tree Maker CD ROM collection are:
Forename(s) |
Estimated Date(s) |
Location |
Archive Type |
Harriet Pamelia |
1500-1990 |
Worldwide |
Pedigree CD 100 |
Lyda |
1641-1994 |
Marriage CD 3 |
Sarah J. |
1660-1850 |
United States |
Marriage CD 227 |
Forename(s) |
Estimated Date(s) |
Location |
Archive Type |
John |
1607-1789 |
VT |
Census CD 310 |
Forename(s) |
Estimated Date(s) |
Location |
Archive Type |
Aquilla |
1607-1789 |
MA |
Census CD 310 |
John |
b1600-1609 |
England |
World Family Tree |
John |
b1600-1609 |
Scotland |
World Family Tree |
John |
1607-1789 |
MA |
Census CD 310 |
John, Jr. |
1607-1789 |
VT |
Census CD 310 |
Micael |
1607-1789 |
VT |
Census CD 310 |
Nathaniel |
1607-1789 |
ME |
Census CD 310 |
Priscilla |
b1640-1649 |
MA |
World Family Tree |
Robert |
1607-1789 |
VT |
Census CD 310 |
Shewbridge |
1607-1789 |
RI |
Census CD 310 |
Follow these links for full listings of entries under the surnames:
Follow these links for the full listings, in alpha order, of entries under the surname RAMSDELL:
NB: one "U" forename entry only (under "V") and no entries for forenames beginning with "X" or "Y"
Follow this link for maps showing the distribution of the surname RAMSDELL in the USA in the years 1850 - 1990