County CCC Number of Entries %age of Total Aberdeenshire ABD 3 0.3 Bedfordshire BDF 4 0.4 Buckinghamshire BKM 4 0.4 Berkshire BRK 10 1.0 Cambridgeshire CAM 11 1.1 Cheshire CHS 23 2.4 Cumbria CUL 3 0.3 Derbyshire DBY 71 7.3 Devon DEV 10 1.0 Dorset DOR 1 0.1 Durham DUR 17 1.7 Essex ESS 21 2.1 Glamorgan GLA 3 0.3 Gloucestershire GLS 9 0.9 Hampshire HAM 9 0.9 Herefordshire HEF 1 0.1 Hertfordshire HRT 7 0.7 Isle of Wight IOW 3 0.3 Kent KEN 8 0.8 Lancashire LAN 289 30.0 Leicestershire LEI 14 1.4 Lincolnshire LIN 28 2.9 London LDN 20 2.0 Middlesex MDX 18 1.8 Norfolk NFK 3 0.3 Northamptonshire NTH 14 1.5 Northumberland NBL 3 0.3 Nottinghamshire NTT 82 8.5 Oxfordshire OXF 11 1.1 Renfrewshire RFW 1 0.1 Shropshire SAL 2 0.2 Somerset SOM 2 0.2 Suffolk SFK 7 0.7 Surrey SRY 15 1.6 Sussex SSX 11 1.1 Staffordshire STS 35 3.6 Warwickshire WAR 26 2.7 Westmorland WES 1 0.1 Wiltshire WIL 9 0.9 Yorkshire YKS 152 15.8 Total 961 100% Surnames of England and Wales: 2002 Database
The Office of National Statistics
The database, compiled and maintained by the UK Office of National Statistics, contains a “List of Surnames” in use in England, Wales and the Isle of Man in September 2002.
The List contains almost 270,000 surnames, shared by 54.4 million people. The entire database contains over a million surnames, shared by 55.9 million people, but names shared by fewer than five people have been excluded from this List.
The database was established in 1998, and births are continually added, but the 1.5 million deaths between 1998 and 2002 have not been weeded from the system. The database is also said to include a level of duplicate entries and misspelt surnames, as well as people currently living abroad and temporary visitors to England and Wales. However, experience suggests that multiplying the result for any surname by 0.93 will give a good idea of the living population for your surname (e.g. the adjusted totals for, respectively, the surnames Ramsdale and Ramsdall are 1130 and 37).
Surname Count Adjusted Ranking RAMSDALE 1,215 1,130 = 5,659 RAMSDALL 40 37 = 58,344 No records were found for the variant surnames Ramsdal, Ramsdaille, Ramsdell, Ramsdel, Ramsdil or Ramsdill.