Deceased Online

Transcription Project

Ramsdale and Variant Surname Entries (10)

This page was last updated on
Tuesday 21 January 2025

Deceased Online is the first central database of statutory burial and cremation registers for the UK and Republic of Ireland and describes itself as "a unique resource for family history researchers and professional genealogists".

Until now, to search these records it was necessary to approach about 3,000 burial authorities and nearly 250 crematoria in the UK, each independently holding its own registers. No official central repository exists. Deceased Online enables burial and cremation authorities in the UK to convert their register records, maps and photographs into digital form and bring them together into a central searchable collection.

The website was launched in July 2008 and will build a substantial database of tens of millions of burial and cremation records. Data is being added from all over the UK and Ireland as new burial authorities and crematoria join. The website is currently digitising nearly two million burial and cremation records to add to its database from 15 burial and cremation authorities around the UK, and is "in serious talks" with a further 30 authorities about bringing nearly 5 million more records to the website.

Database Coverage in May 2010: Participating Cemeteries and Crematoria
Name Date of last addition Names recorded
Cambridge City Council 23 February 2010 175,000
Gainsborough 22 February 2010 24,000
London Borough of Brent 22 February 2010 29,000
London Borough of Havering 5 November 2009 36,000
Angus Council 16 September 2009 190,000
London Borough of Islington 3 March 2009 4,200
London Borough of Camden 2 March 2009 72,000
Kent & Sussex Crematorium 11 July 2008 95,000
Tunbridge Wells Borough Cemetery 11 July 2008 45,000

Although searching is described as "free" (restricted as required to country, region, county, or individual burial authority or crematorium) registration is necessary to purchase credits online to be spent on accessing further information associated with any of the found records.

Depending on what has been provided by the originating authority, the further information might include:

To comply with the Data Protection Act 1998, information about applicants for funerals within the previous 100 years is restricted. This means that details of applicants stored in computerised registers for this period are not made available, and the corresponding areas of scanned register images are masked off. Individual preferences of contributing authorities may mean that additional restrictions are in place for some of the more recent records from some authorities. Any restrictions specific to a cemetery of crematorium will be explained in the entry for the establishment in the list of Contributors.

Some authorities have completely or partially transcribed their registers into computer readable form, while others have done neither. Where registers have not been transcribed, they will have been scanned and indexed, offering a picture of the original page containing the entry of interest. In some cases researchers will have the option of viewing both computerised register entry and page scan.

Search Results: 10 register records found for Ramsdal:
Name Buried\Cremated on Recorded at
Ramsdale, Ada Elizabeth Buried on 6 March 1975 Wembley (Brent)
Ramsdale, Adelaide Buried on 8 May 1941 Wembley (Brent)
Ramsdale, Ann Buried on 5 March 1891 Hampstead Cemetery (Camden)
Ramsdale, Bertha Eveline Cremated on 12 November 1956 Cambridge Crematorium (Cambridgeshire)
Ramsdale, Constance Nora Neville Cremated on 28 May 1986 Kent & Sussex Crematorium (Kent)
Ramsdale, George Buried on 22 March 1883 Hampstead Cemetery (Camden)
Ramsdale, Hilda A Buried on 12 September 1942 Wembley (Brent)
Ramsdale, Lionel Geo Buried on 5 November 1910 Wembley (Brent)
Ramsdale, Mildred Annie Cremated on 16 March 1964 Cambridge Crematorium (Cambridgeshire)
Ramsdale, William Henry Cremated on 11 November 1965 Kent & Sussex Crematorium (Kent)

There are, at present, no entries under the variant surnames Ramsdal(l), Ramsdel(l) or Ramsdaille.